Sing a Song of Sneezles (An Imaginary Cough Syrup-induced CD)
Sing a Song of Sneezles: Questionable Lullabies for Drippy Noses
- Sneezles and Wheezles
- Achoo! That Got My Shoe!
- Mommy’s Got a Migraine, Hurry Up and Hide
- Who Ya Gonna Call? Snotbusters!
- Gimme That Board, Gonna Sand It With My Nose
- Breathing, I Hardly Knew Ya
- Don’t Confuse Your Cough With Your Coffee
- Sailing Along on a Thousand Cups of Tea
- Oh, to Breathe Again
- Ain’t a Sore Throat Great? You’re Like a Fire-Breathing Dragon!
And Bonus Track:
Codeine, I Love You to the Moon and ...Zzzzz